Sunday, February 24, 2013

Community park fun!

We love our community park!  We are seriously there a couple times a week.  There is plenty for both girls to do and when we go before school is out it is pretty empty.  Ryne always seems to find somebody her age to play with while we are there though and this day was no different.  She met twin boys and rotated between playing with them and playing with us!

Reese kept looking down going "whoa, whoa, whoa"!  

 Ryne loves to push Reese...Reese loves it too!

Ryne had such a good time playing with one of the twins she kinda asked him out!
Ryne - So we come here a lot to play, maybe we could come again at the same time.
Twin - okay.
Ryne - what's your number?
Twin - 4
Ryne - your phone number is 4? Okay, I'll call you.

Oh my word!  lol!

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