Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Hanging out at the mall...

On Monday we went to the mall in The Woodlands.  We went there last time we visited as well and we knew we could kill plenty of time there.  We got there before the stores opened and went straight to the play area.  Ryne stood up on a pillar so she could see to lead the way!  :)
We were the first ones there to play! It filled up quickly though!
Reese wasn't sure about this turtle at first, but they ended up friends!  :)
sweet sisters playing together!
We went around to the rides for a little bit.  I gave the girls $5 and that was 2 rides!  ha!
Since their money ran out so fast there...we went back to play for a bit!
Once the stores opened we went to BAB to make new friends.  Ryne picked hers pretty quickly but Reese had a hard time deciding.  She wanted 3 and would not let any go!  We finally got rid of two and she ended up with a panda.  :)  She bawled the whole time it was being filled and sewn up.  She hates that part!

After BAB we stopped for lunch at CFA.  The workers there were so nice!  I was surprised that even in the mall they would hunt you down to see if you needed refills.  Very appreciative!

They had a carousel in the food court so of course we had to ride.  Reese LOVES riding carousels...that is probably her favorite thing in the whole wide world!
Ready to go and saying "cheese"
bummed its over but had a blast!
We hit up the candy store on the way out because really no trip to the mall would be complete without some sweets!  :)  Then we went back to the hotel for Reese to nap.  Once daddy got done working we headed to dinner at Fudruckers...best burgers!  We had so much fun but I didn't take any pictures.  I think we were too busy eating!  :)

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