Thursday, February 21, 2013

a typical Tuesday morning...

Doesn't everyone put on their scuba gear?!

Reese is thinking "how did I get stuck in this family?"  :)

 This little cutie follows me everywhere...really both of my little cuties do but I think Reese is especially worried that I will unload the dishwasher without her.  She likes to hand me things.  I say thank you, she says welcome about 100 times.  :)

I looked down from making Ryne's lunch for school and saw her sitting indian style.  So cute!
We also make time in the mornings for some loving on our dogs.  Reese has been gentle since day 1.  Our pups really seem to enjoy her lovin'!

Saying "Star"

giving some lovin'
 Ryne was dressed for school by this point and ready to show some lovin' too!  :)

I love all 4 of my girls!

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