Thursday, February 21, 2013

Dallas Zoo

What will we see at the Zoo, what will we see at the zoo-ze-zoo.  If you've watched Barney as many times as I have you can't help but sing those lines any time you talk about the zoo!  :)

We have been having exceptionally pretty weather so I decided to take the girls to the zoo for the afternoon.  We got there at 2:30 and found out they closed at 4!  So, we hit the highlights and enjoyed our short time there.  First stop was the carousel.  Both of my girls love this but Reese gets super excited about it!

The nice worker offered to take a picture of all of us!

Love this poser!

She's excited!
 Next, we headed to the "wilds of Africa" because that is where the animals that we really wanted to see live.

Ryne loves running through the tunnel!

checking out the penguins.

trying to figure out which way we should go.  :)
 Of course we have to play on the elephant statues before going to see the real elephants!

They always look so sad to me.  :(
 Ryne wanted to feed the giraffes so bad but I didn't have any cash.  She settled for hanging out super close to them.

Do you see the giraffe?  He came over to hang out with Reese!  He seriously just laid his head down on the rock as close as he could get to her.  He was probably wanting some food!  :)
 The last thing we did was the monorail.  That way we got to see some more animals before the park closed.  Ryne LOVED it!  Reese wasn't as impressed (until she saw birds!) and it was hard to keep her sitting!

 Here come the birds...

That ended our time at the zoo but it was a super fun short trip.  We have already been back once since then too!  :)

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