Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Houston Zoo

On Tuesday we decided to head into Houston to spend the day at the zoo.  It was a little drizzly but high 70's so we crossed our fingers that it wouldn't start to really rain!  We lucked out and it never did more that a light sprinkle.  We just headed inside an exhibit any time that happened and stayed pretty dry!  :)

The girls both loved watching the tricks!
my silly poser!

playing drums...
acting like a fish!

Reese loved looking at the animals but never fussed to get out of her stroller.  She even napped!  She is so laid back and such a blessing!

We had to take a picture of the stingray to send to daddy!

taunting the snake!  yikes!
Ryne got tired towards the end so I put Reese on top and let Ryne ride in the seat.  Reese thought that was pretty cool!
We had a really fun day at the zoo and we were worn out!  Ryne was asleep soon after getting in the car!  Reese was so good and quiet to let her sleep too!  We headed back to the hotel to wait for daddy and the girls had the best time being silly in the car after we got there.  
love these two so much!
After Daddy got in the car we hit the gas station and then hit the road!  It was so fun to get to tag along with Daddy and I am so glad we did!
being silly in the gas station!

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