Sunday, February 24, 2013

Sunday Funday...

We headed to the zoo today after church and that was a mistake!  It was a gorgeous day...but $5 days are going on and it was packed!  We waited over 30 minutes just to park and they ended up having people park on the street...nuts!  But with the weather being so great who wouldn't want to be at the zoo?  We had a great time despite the crowds though.  Pops and GranJan met us there and the girls were excited to see them there!

First stop was the same as always...this time with Daddy though!

Silly girl!

 Next we headed to see lots of animals!  Ryne didn't want to ride on the she bummed a ride with Daddy!
 Reese didn't want to be left out so she bummed a ride with Pops!
 Ryne tried to feed the giraffes but with all the crowds they had had enough lettuce!  She did finally get to feed one but I had already walked away with the camera...oops!

 We stopped for a "nack" because Reese was begging for one.  She loved the popcorn but poor girl was so tired from not having a nap that she feel asleep mid bite!

Notice the popcorn on her dress!
Of course Ryne had to feed the birds!

 And check out the silly monkeys!  This is how they were eating!

Ryne found this hog and HAD to have her picture with it!  Maybe she is missing her Arkansas roots!  :)
 Our last stop was one last ride on the carousel.  This time it was mommy's turn!  :)

 And wouldn't you know that Ryne would pick out the one that would spin WHILE we were spinning!  I was SO dizzy and a little sick to my stomach.  Oh the things we do for our kids!  :)

It was a Sunday Funday for sure!

CFA Toddler time...

 CFA has a toddler time on Fridays.  We decided to go for some crafts, play time, and chicken!  Ryne made a cute caterpillar, Reese played with antennas!  Then both girls were ready to play before getting lunch.  It was CROWDED so I don't know if we will go back to toddler time any time soon but we did have a fun morning out.

Community park fun!

We love our community park!  We are seriously there a couple times a week.  There is plenty for both girls to do and when we go before school is out it is pretty empty.  Ryne always seems to find somebody her age to play with while we are there though and this day was no different.  She met twin boys and rotated between playing with them and playing with us!

Reese kept looking down going "whoa, whoa, whoa"!  

 Ryne loves to push Reese...Reese loves it too!

Ryne had such a good time playing with one of the twins she kinda asked him out!
Ryne - So we come here a lot to play, maybe we could come again at the same time.
Twin - okay.
Ryne - what's your number?
Twin - 4
Ryne - your phone number is 4? Okay, I'll call you.

Oh my word!  lol!

Hanging with my little...

I love the quality time I get with Reese on MDO days.  I feel like most days I am being pulled in 1,000 different directions so it is nice to have a chance to hang with my little girl.  She is so stinkin' cute and sweet...I could eat her up!  One day last week we were playing with her castle and princesses.  At one point she put all her princesses in bed and then went to Ryne's room, got a blanket, and then tried to cover them up.  So cute!
I cannot believe how big she is getting.  Her sitting on her little knees playing pretend makes me realize that she is quickly becoming a little girl and not so much a baby!  :(

After playing and then a nap it was time to pick up big sis.  Reese LOVES going to pick up Ryne.  She gets so excited when she sees the church.  We decided to head to McD's for some after school fun.  Ryne had wanted to go in the one particular McD's for awhile so we went to that one.  It only had a teeny tiny area for Reese so I don't plan to go back any time soon.

Reese did not lack any attention!  Everyone wanted to help her and Ryne did really well sharing her sister!
Big sis is her very favorite helper though!

I didn't get any pictures of Ryne because she was way more interested in playing with a new friend that stopping to smile for me!  :)