Monday, January 28, 2013

Weekend in Canadian...

Grandad had a big birthday a couple of weeks ago - 80!  We made the trip to celebrate with him and see family we don't see often.  We made it in Friday night in time to visit for a little while before heading to the hotel.  We intended to stay at one but after terrible service and an incredibly rude manager we decided to take our business to the other hotel in Canadian!  ha!  It made for a good story though that was laughed about numerous times so I guess made it worth it!  The next day we headed back to Grandmother and Grandad's for more visiting!  Lots of the great grands were in and Ryne loved playing with them!  It was all girls this trip and they all played great!
Ryan and Ryne...Ryne went by Ry-Ry that weekend!  :)

Reese loved playing with Grandmother's toys!

handcuffs are tons of fun too!


Ryne and Shaylee playing


The man of the hour!  At one point he looked around at all the chaos and said "It's hard to believe that I started it all"!  So true and sweet!

We stayed as late as we could before taking the girls back to the hotel.  Jeremy helped me get them calm and then headed back for some more visiting and storytelling!  The next morning we woke up to lots of white stuff!  Ryne was so excited so we had to play outside the hotel for a few minutes.

Reese really didn't care too much for it...she must be cold natured like me!

And she's ready to go!  :)

love my snow bunnies!

We went back to Grandmother and Grandad's for a couple hours before starting our journey home.  It was such a fun and special weekend celebrating a very special man.  We are already looking forward to our next trip there!

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