Thursday, January 3, 2013

CHRISTmas #2

We went to Oklahoma for the Bradford CHRISTmas on Sunday. We had to leave pretty early but it was so worth it to see that crazy bunch! We realized at our first stop that I had forgotten Ryne's leggings! Oops! Thankfully there were no shortages of Wal-Marts and we picked up a pair that worked. :)
We loved seeing family that we don't get to see near enough! We especially loved getting to meet Heisman! He is such a little sweetheart!

Wanting to go out with the big kids!
playing dirty Santa...
trying to sweet talk Brant into letting her outside...
yeah she made it!  Her sweet cousin took great care of her!
This should be at the top but it won't move!  A pants-less Ryne trying to rock a mini dress!  lol!
She's got skills
loving this swing!
love this guy!

They have train tracks close by and Ryne loved walking down and watching a train that close!

They have such fun toys and my girls loved trying them all out!  It was so great to see everyone!

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