Saturday, January 12, 2013

Quick trip...

My parents, little brother, and his fiancé (wow, that's weird!) came in for the night. They got there early enough in the day that I could take engagement pictures of Jonathan and Rebecca. There wedding isn't until next summer but they want pictures if every season or something. So anyways we froze our tushies off for a few minutes to get a few shots. I'll post some of those when I'm not blogging from my iPhone! :) after pictures we went to Walmart and I will say grocery shopping with them was much easier than the two that I normally have with me! Lol! We got home in no time and I threw together some lasagna for dinner. Then we headed out for dessert to everyone's favorite - sweet frog! It was so yummy like always. I wonder how long Reese will be okay with just getting fruit. She shows no desire for sweets of any kind right now. I wish that was me! Ha!
They had to go back the next morning but we enjoyed the quick trip a lot! It is always good to visit with family!

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