Thursday, January 3, 2013

Countdown to Christmas!

We always enjoy counting down the days until CHRISTmas!  We like to mix in fun traditions, random acts of kindness, treats, and helping the less fortunate.  I didn't do a great job of documenting so I have a hard time remembering all we did now!  Our things ranged from buying chickens to donate to having yummy treats.  It was a great December and we tried to always remember the real reason we celebrate CHRISTmas!

Ryne and Reese both picked kids from the Christmas Angel tree.  Reese was needing a nap but pulled it together for our shopping trip!  :)
We drove around many nights drinking hot chocolate and looking at the pretty lights!
Santa picture went about how I thought it would!
We spent a morning just reading Christmas books!
Ryne picked out stuff for a shoe box kid!
We made little gingerbread houses!
We painted festive toes!
We had breakfast for dinner at Ihop and Ryne ate every single bite!
They had fun with glow sticks in the bathtub!
That is all that I remember because that is all I documented!  I'll do better next year!  :)

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