Monday, January 28, 2013

Camden bound...

Jeremy was gone for a full week so we decided to spend some of that time in Camden. The initial plan was to take Ryne to KDO on Tuesday and then leave for Camden once school was over.  Well we woke up to thunder, lightening, sleet, and then snow.  Camden schools let out early because of the weather too.  Crazy morning!  So I kept her home and we watched the weather to see if we would be safe to travel or stuck at home.  After talking to my parents and Jeremy we decided it was probably fine and hit the road.  I am so glad we did because it was perfectly fine!

Hanging out with Star while we waited out the yuckiness...

Two little girls happy to be on their way to Pap-Paw and Gi-Gi's!

We got there in time for dinner with no problems whatsoever!  The rest of the week was filled with LR play dates, afternoons at Wal-Mart, and CCA Homecoming!  :)

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