Thursday, January 3, 2013

CHRISTmas #3...

We left Oklahoma around 5 and headed to Camden. We had some hyper girls once we got to PapPaw and Gigi's house! They slept some of the trip and were ready to party! We finally got them down around midnight so the morning came early! Which was good because we found out we were going to have another sweet baby joining the fun and we needed to go shopping for her! :) We made a Wal-Mart run and then made it home in plenty of time to enjoy Christmas with the Martins!  It was also my mom's birthday so that made it even more special!

Ryne said she was for $5 off I had to buy her!  :)

Reese didnt eat breakfast and was apparently starving.  We couldn't pay for this banana quick enough!  She had it eaten before we even finished checking out!
All the grandkids on the golfcart!
crazy driver!
Jonathan and Rebecca...the newly engaged!
all the grands!
telling the Christmas story before present time!
monkey in a tree!
We had to leave that afternoon to make it home in time for Santa! 

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