Monday, January 28, 2013

LR Playdate

The girls and I decided to make a day trip to LR to see some old pals.  Ryne and I both miss our friends so much and it was the perfect time to get to see some!  We have been friends since before our kids were born and they have played together slept side by side in carseats since they were weeks old.  We laughed because our old gang started with 7 we had seven there just between 3 moms!  They just all happened to be girls on this day too!

Reese, Mallory, Anna Claire, Emma, Ella, Adelyn, and Ryne

Mallory and Reese...Reese loved the teeter-totter but it scared her when it moved?!

Sweet hugs!

Adelyn and Ryne

Ella and Ryne

fast forward 15 years!  ha!
We LOVED seeing them and had so much fun catching up.  After we left I drove around so the girls would take a nap before our next play date. Since we were already in Maumelle I decided to swing by our old house.  It looked the same except they still had up Christmas lights!  ha!

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