Monday, January 28, 2013

CCA Homecoming

We stayed in town long enough to go to CCA's homecoming.  This would have been Michael's 20th reunion so they wanted to do something to remember him this year.   They asked Brad to say something and he did a wonderful job.  I was super stressed about being a single mommy with both kids in a very not kid-proof place but they did good!  Ryne and Ava stood and watched the homecoming court come out and then they had their own dance party when the music started.  Cute stuff!  They got to run around on the court before the games started and they all thought they were big stuff!

I took all the help I could get!  :)
We went to the balcony for the alumni reception.  I only stayed for about 1/2 a game though because it got really hard to keep the girls calm and not playing on the super steep stairs!  So my mom and I took them home for bed.  Once they were settled in I headed back to the gym to actually visit!  :)
It was so good to see some old CCA friends!  Get togethers are few and far between and I loved catching up with everyone!  A bunch of us ended up going back to Barbara's house (Heather's mom).  They are like family to me and I loved seeing them for a little while!

When I got back to my parents house I found this little girl sacked out!  
Brad's gang came over the next day to help celebrate Jonathan's birthday.  I had to hit the road around 11 to get home but enjoyed spending the morning with them!

Reese walking Joey...

We enjoyed our week in Camden but we missed Jeremy!  5 nights is way too long!

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