Monday, January 14, 2013

Last week randomness...

Just some phone pics from last week...
Ryne made a "village" complete with houses, a hotel, and a skyscraper!  :)
Girls love their dogs!  Poor Star is freezing with her recent hair cut and has become quite the cuddle bug with Ryne!  :)
Bath time mohawks!
So silly!  She stuffed her shirt with socks so the bra would stay up!  ha! Please excuse my awful glasses...they are 10 years old and I refuse to wear them out anywhere!  But Ryne looks pretty cute being silly in them!
Ryne putting on a show with Nala and Simba.  So cute!
sweet sisters!
love messy face pictures!
Thank you pinterest...yummy blueberry and cream cheese stuffed french toast!
Nanny gave us this popcorn for Christmas...Reese claimed it as hers!
So big!
but never too big to suck on her toes I guess!
always wanting to accessorize!
She's at it again!

In the cold or hot banana pudding dispute, Ryne sided with me!  :)
such a diva!
glove on the foot!  :)

1 comment:

  1. I'm with Reese, that popcorn tin sounds yummy! And I'm cracking up at the bra picture!
