Wednesday, January 9, 2013

NYE - parent style!up

Our NYE consisted of watching Barney, having a tea party, baking cake pops, and watching some football, and eating pizza.  We decided to let Ryne stay up as late as she wanted and she made it to almost 11 before she crashed on the couch!  
Won't you come to my tea party...if you watch Barney as much as us then you just sang that!  :)

sweet hostess!

Pops and GranJan were lucky enough to be able to join in the fun!

 Ryne was so excited to make some cake pops!  She grabbed an apron and was a big helper!

 Of course she ate way more sprinkles than she should have!  :)

She's dreaming of a great NYE!  :) 
Reese went to bed around 8.  This picture cracks me up though because she seriously got so excited when daddy turned on Barney for her!  Little sweetie!
Happy New Year!  I hope this year is the best yet for us all!

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