Thursday, December 1, 2011

Reese is 5 months!!

Reese turned 5 months on Sunday.  It was a big day for her because she went to church nursery for the first time.  I did okay and kept it together but I made a bee line to get her as soon as church was over!  They said she did great though!  When I got there she was sound asleep in a worker's arms.  She had just fallen asleep but of course woke up making the switch and being put in her carseat.  Then we had to catch a shuttle bus to our car so she was really awake after that.  We got home, snapped a few pictures, fed baby girl, and then she was out!  She slept the majority of the afternoon.  Her big morning wore her out!

Oh how I love these two!

Reese was telling us all about her morning!

Ryne wanted one by her tree. (Disclaimer - she COMPLETELY decorated it herself!) :)
Reese Finley - you are an amazing gift from God!  We are in awe of how sweet you are.  You adore your big sister and love to watch her.  You light up when she talks to you.  Ryne is pretty crazy about you too!  You are still eating every 4 hours during the day and sleeping 12 hours at night.  We love you even more for that!  lol!  You started rolling over from tummy to back some, but honestly, it is more like you just lose your balance!  ha!  We are amazed by you every day and love watching as you grow.  Please just don't grow up too quickly!

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