Thursday, December 1, 2011

25 Days of CHRISTmas!

I am shamelessly stealing this idea from Sarah(!) and starting a yearly tradition.  We have had an advent calendar/house that we have used every year.  Normally we have just put M-M's in them and Ryne has been fine with that.  Well now we are putting slips of paper in each door with something for us to do each day. 

Today was day one and our activity was to pick an angel from the tree at Wal-Mart.  This is the 3rd year we have done it and it is one of my favorite things to do.  It really breaks my heart that there are so many families that suffer and do without.  I can't imagine not being able to buy Christmas presents for my girls.  Ryne really took her time picking out presents this year and was proud of her finds.

Picking an angel...she wanted to find a girl around her age.
 We normally bring everything home and put a card and wrapping paper/boxes with it so they have everything they need.  However, we thought tonight was the last time to buy so we just left it all there as soon as we checked out.  We later found out that the deadline has been extended for like another week.
The little girl we bought for was 3.  She requested a Barbie car, scooter, and clothes.  We bought her the Barbie car, scooter, two outfits, pj's, shoes, and then I let Ryne pick out some stuff for her.  She added a tea set and candyland game. 
 We talked about why we were buying stuff for her and tonight prayed for the little girl.  Ryne prayed that she would have a good Christmas and that she would be able to win candyland!  I love the sweet spirit that my girl has.  I wish we could do more angels.  There were still so many on the tree.  :(
Reese was a good little shopper!
 On a completely unrelated note - Ryne drew this yesterday.  It is Jeremy, me, and her in outer space.  It made my day! 
Oh, and Reese and I did a little shopping today.  I love my little shopping buddy!  She is so easy to take every where right now!  :)

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