Thursday, December 15, 2011

Day 9...Polar Express!

Last Friday was day #9 and we had tickets for the Polar Express in Branson.  Ryne was so excited!  We got there with just enough time for me to feed Reese before briskly walking to catch the train!  :)

Waiting to board the was COLD so we waited in the train station!

Ryne was thrilled to be on the train!

Reese was pretty excited too!

There were lights along the track that Ryne liked watching.

He was actually on top of the train when we were boarding.  Ryne got a big kick out of him!

Hot Chocolate...Ryne's favorite!

love her!

looking for Santa!

Love this!  This is her shy/embarrassed face!  Santa was heading her way!

Isn't he an awesome Santa?!

Chatting with the conductor.

yep...she can hear the bell!

Santa came by for one more picture!
We had such a good time!  We may make it an annual thing!  The drive back was easy and quiet because both girls were asleep in no time! 

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