Monday, December 19, 2011

CHRISTmas #1 and day 18...

We had the best time at the Bradford CHRISTmas.  Sean and Teresa always host and God bless them for letting that big group take over!  It was so great getting to visit and catch up.  Ryne found three kitties that she would not leave alone.  She had scratches all over but she still wanted to carry them all around!  I think they were happy to see her leave!

Since the group is so big we play dirty santa...always fun!

Most of the guys cousins..

Some of the girls...

NICK! I hadn't seen him in like 4 years!  It was awesome to get to catch up and reminisce!

She's a tree climber!
The next day we went to see Grandma Martin.  We went to eat at IHOP first and Grandma and Reese got to check each other out!

After lunch we went back to her "house".  Day 18 was to bring flowers to a nursing home and what better place than where Grandma is?!  Ryne loved passing out flowers and coloring sheets that she had done on the drive there.  Everyone really seemed to get a kick out of Ryne and told her to come back soon.  :)

Ryne helping Grandma open her Christmas present.
While we were visiting another cousin showed up.  I hadn't seen her in years so it was great to catch up with her and her family.  We enjoyed visiting with everyone!  My parents left from there to head to there house while we headed to ours.

That night we enjoyed some quiet time at home to recoup after our busy weekend.  I did make some treats for Ryne's party at KDO.  Little santa hats...brownie bite with icing and a strawberry. Thank you pinterest!  :)

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