Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Days 3-8...

I really intended on updating nightly about our fun 25 days of CHRISTmas...what can I say, life happens!  :)  Day 3 we were suppose to go watch the Farmington parade.  Well, the weather had other plans and it was rained out.  :( 

Day 4 we decorated a gingerbread house!  We cheated and bought the already constructed house and it was so much better!  That is definitely the way to go with little helpers around! 

She ate as much as she put on!  :)

Day 5 we were suppose to make reindeer out of Ryne and Reese's feet.  We didn't get to though because I was CARLESS and couldn't go get the supplies (I needed a small canvas) until Jeremy got home.  Just Ryne and I went and it was already past her bedtime when we got home.  Hopefully we can pick that one up later this month though.

Day 6 we drove around and looked at CHRISTmas lights after gymnastics.  No pictures, but we had fun!  :)

Day 7 we made a CHRISTmas tree out of Ryne's hands and Reese's feet.  LOVE!!!
Day 8 we snuggled on the couch and watched Polar Express.  It was a cute movie that we all enjoyed!

Day 9 was alot of fun and alot of pictures...so I'll start there next time!

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