Wednesday, December 28, 2011

CHRISTmas in Texas

We were road warriors this CHRISTmas!  We were lucky enough to get in a mini van (aka swagger wagon) because all our stuff would have never fit in the previous rental or J's car.  The van was nice for the trip, but I could never drive one on a normal basis.  But we were thankful for all the room on the trips!

Swagger Wagon captain!
We left Wednesday and headed to the Francis house.  We were so happy to get there.  Reese is not a fan of the car, which made it a long trip in!  Once we got there they surprised Ryne with a little cake for her birthday!  They weren't able to make it to her party so we thought that was so sweet!
Reese hanging out with Uncle Lance!

Ryne and her birthday cake!
After cake they let Ryne open her gifts...a Bitty Baby!  Ryne named her Brooklin and loves playing with her.  I ended up taking the girls to bed and Jeremy snapped a picture of me and Ryne when he got in bed.  Ryne is such a snuggle bug so she was loving getting to sleep with us on the trip.  I had like zero room...but it was sweet to snuggle with my girl!
 The next day we went to watch Alvin and the Chipmunks.  It was really cute!  Ryne loved getting to sit by her cousin Eli!

Reese actually watched a little bit before falling asleep.  She was laughing at some parts!
That night we had a yummy dinner and then opened presents.  Ryne racked up with all kinds of fun stuff!  Jeremy, Reese, and I did too!  I think the hit of the night was the floating remote control shark thing.  It was pretty cool!

 The next morning we grabbed breakfast with Lance before heading to the Janosko's house.  Unfortunately while leaving we ran onto a curb and hit a big decorative rock.  It didn't hurt the rock but messed up the under carriage of the swagger wagon.  Oops!  So...Merry Christmas to us!  ha! 

After that we made it to the Janosko's.  We visited for a little bit and then headed to watch The Muppet's.  It was also cute!  That night we ate dinner and just relaxed.  The rest of the family showed up in the morning and we had a great time visiting with everyone!

Our family!
Reese was being a bit of a mommy's girl (I have to say I don't mind that one bit!) and she was only happy in my arms!  So Jeremy had to take over the sweet potatoes!
After lunch we opened presents and had fun in all the chaos!  Ryne opened a couple and then found her stocking with CANDY in it...that was all she was worried about after that!  She was good about sharing it though!  :)  We all got some really good stuff and I think everyone had fun!
How many people can we fit on one couch?!

I love this little stinker! She wouldn't let anyone hold her but was okay sitting in her bouncy seat as long as I was right beside her!  :)

Sad Reesie!  She had the teens attention though!

This both breaks my heart and makes me smile!

Ryne decided she would just have her picture taken with Star instead!
After enjoying some time visiting we had to hit the road for home.  We really enjoyed our time in Texas and it was so good to be able to celebrate CHRISTmas with everyone!

1 comment:

  1. I hate that about the mini-van --- we bought a new heater for our Christmas present:( Stinks, huh?! Looks like y'all had a great Christmas in spite of the little mishap:)
