Friday, December 30, 2011

Last CHRISTmas of the year...

We woke up early to head to Camden.  Even these two little sweeties weren't quite ready to get up!  I had got them both dressed and laid Reese on my pillow while I got ready.  Ryne decided to join her! 

Sweet sleepy sisters!
I ended up having to kneel or squat in between the pilot seats in the van because Reese was not loving the trip!  My legs got a work out that day!  lol!  We got there around 1:30.  Mom had made a big lunch of turkey and all the trimmings.  It was so good!  It was present time after lunch!  Ryne helped pass out and thank God nothing was breakable!  ha!  She was a little excited!  I did not get any pictures really.  It is hard to remember to capture memories while trying to keep up with an excited 4 year old and 6 month old...even if the 6 month old is as laid back as Reese!  :)

Mom and Dad got the guys light sabers as their joke/funny gift.  They had some pretty intense battles!  ha!  Reese just wanted to eat one! 

Reese is sitting up so well!  She is getting to be such a big girl!
We bought Jonathan a remote control helicopter.  It seemed to be a hit with everyone!  Of course I had a few "I told you sos" by Jeremy because I wanted to get Jonathan something more practical like a gift card so he could buy whatever he wanted!  SO, for the record - good job babe.  You picked out an awesome gift!  :)

The rest of the evening was spent just hanging out.  A bunch of us played Uno Robot (or something like that), it was a lot of fun!  The next morning we had to pretty much get up and leave right after breakfast.  My car was done and we had to return the rental by 5.
The trip home wasn't too bad.  Reese had a few rough times but was a trooper through it!  We were pretty happy to see our house and know that we were done traveling...for a couple weeks anyways!

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