Thursday, December 15, 2011

Days 10, 11, and 12...

Day 10 was Saturday and we spent a much needed day at home.  I actually got ALL the wrapping done...yay!  Ryne was my helper for a good part of the day.  She got pretty good at it and even wrapped a few presents herself!  We did take a wrapping break to do our day 10 activity which was to decorate some ornaments.  I was wanting to drip a few different paints in clear glass balls and slowly turn them to coat the insides.  That wasn't fast enough for Ryne so she poured paint in her hands and rubbed it on the outside!  Ha!  Gotta love a free spirit!  :)

Our masterpieces...ha!
Sunday was day 11.  We started the day off with church and then went to the mall to see Santa. 
Waiting in line to see the man in red!

No tears so I consider it a complete success!
Monday was day 12 and our activity was a Scavenger Hunt Dinner.  I got this idea off of pinterest (where else?!) and Ryne loved it!  I hid each part of dinner somewhere in the house and gave Ryne clues to find it.  I used all finger foods and put them in tupperware to minimize the mess and any dogs looking for a little snack!
Mozzarella sticks were under her pillow...

Pizza bites (a pinterest recipe that was so easy and yummy!) were under the tree.

And a popsicle was on the side of the tub!
She seriously had a blast and I may have had to hide a couple meals since then!  :)
This has nothing to do with the 25 days of CHRISTmas activities but it made us laugh!  We heard something going on in Reese's closet and walked it to see this.  She was trying so hard to figure out what she could hook it to so she could jump!  lol!

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