Thursday, December 1, 2011

Pics around the house...

We stay busy around here so I have started to really love our days at home.  A day we can stay in our pj's all morning is sometimes just what we need!
Reese loves hanging out in Ryne's bed!

big girl standing up!
Sometimes I even take Reese in her pj's when we drop Ryne off at KDO!  She sleeps until 8 and I am doing good to have her fed by the time we have to leave.  I normally just change her into real clothes after her morning nap no matter what we are doing.
Ryne wanted to pose for a picture!  ha!

Ryne is so into headbands!

Daddy called and Ryne ran and grabbed the phone to talk!  She seems so big talking on my phone in the hallway!

A little playtime with Reesie!

J's mini-me...but with my fair skin!  lol!

Taking a little nibble off daddy's nose!

Reese will not lean back in the tub now.  She sits up and drenches me!  ha!  She is quite the splasher!
 I was rocking Reese for her afternoon nap and Ryne decided she wanted to join us.  Then Phoebe decided to jump up as well.  Of course Star couldn't miss out on the action.  What do you end up with?  A chair full of girls!  :)
Ignore the no make-up look please!  :)

Can you feel the sisterly love?!

Ryne is quite the builder!  We made a town complete with skyscrapers!
We do not want Reese to be a thumb sucker and will remove her thumb and replace it with a pacie when she starts going to town on it.  But I mean adorable is this?!
We have been having lots of fun with our elf - Jukie.  Ryne was thrilled when he came back this year!  He is a good little hider and Ryne loves finding his hiding spots.  Today he was hanging from a light and Ryne loved that!  I'll do a post of all our favorite spots after Christmas.  :)

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