Thursday, December 29, 2011

CHRISTmas Day!

We got in LATE CHRISTmas Eve and were so happy to pull in!  The girls did pretty good on the trip but Reese is still not a big fan of the car!  Anyways, Ryne was so excited to see that Jukie had made it back before us!  She was surprised that he made the trip to Texas to surprise her each morning!  :)

 So after getting the girls ready for bed, we said goodbye to Jukie and set out milk, cookies, and carrots for Santa and the reindeer.  It didn't take long for Ryne to be all snuggled in her bed and out like a light!  After that...Mr and Mrs Claus had to get busy!

Jukie snuck in to give Ryne goodbye kisses!  She may be getting a card in the mail from her special little elf with the picture for her to keep!  Shhhh!  :)
 Around 2am we were finally done and ready for bed.  I have to is so fun being parents!!  We actually got Ryne and brought her to our bed so we could make sure we saw her face when she saw what Santa left her!
Both girls had 3 gifts from us and 2 from Santa...gotta keep it even!  :)
 We were up pretty early CHRISTmas morning.  Ryne shot up and asked "Do you think Santa came"...I said I dunno, lets go look!

She actually went to one of Reese's gifts first!  lol!

Getting Santa's note that he left her...

It didn't take long for her to notice the stockings!

This Santa was J's when he was little.  It was his favorite part of CHRISTmas!  Jan always put a little present inside his bag and it was always a little bonus.  So we have done that with Ryne.  This year J had a little gift in it as well.  Worms!

Ryne was a big helper and opened Reese's gifts for her!  :)

AND Ryne opened her gift to us!  They made and wrapped these at KDO...I LOVE it!  Her teachers are just the best!

Telling us all about her Christmas tree made out of her hand prints.  :)

My girls in their matching pj's!

Love these baby girls!
 After opening gifts we ate breakfast and then the girls got to play for a bit.  Ryne told Reese all about the REAL CHRISTmas precious!
Reese loves her walker!

 After enjoying some time at home we got ready to start our CHRISTmas day traditions.  We really wanted to go to church but it didn't work out with Reese's nursing schedule.  :(  They did a special candle light communion that I bet was fantastic.  Anyways, the first stop on our day of CHRISTmas fun was the movies.  We watched Arthur Christmas and it was pretty cute.  After that we drove all the way to Tahlequah to ice skate!  It was the only place open and ended up being really cool.  It was an outdoor rink which was neat!  We ended the night at a Chinese Buffet!  ha!  Normally we do IHOP, but there was a long wait so we went to plan B!
Movie time!

Happy little skater!

Keeping baby girl warm!

Love this girl and her daddy!

She did this alot!

Love this little cutie too!

Ryne loved the noodles and shrimp!  Fa Ra Ra Ra Ra!  :)
We were worn out after our big day and came home to pretty much crash!  We had to repack for our trip to Camden but called it a night soon after.  We had a really great day and made alot of CHRISTmas memories.  I love my little family and I feel so very blessed every single day, but even more so on CHRISTmas! 

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