Friday, December 2, 2011

Day 2 and Accident...

Today our advent calendar said to make a snowman craft.  I had pinned a snowman craft on pinterest that looked fun so we tried it.  We mixed shaving cream, glue, and paint to make a puffy paint.  We started out with paint brushes but ended up using our fingers.  It was fun!  The only downside was how long our snowmen took to dry!  They do look cool though...kinda puffy like snow.  :)

 I forgot to mention this earlier this week, but Reese and I were in an accident Monday.  Ryne was at KDO thankfully because we were hit on her door.  I of course was worried about Reese but she was fine.  I think the crash scared her but as soon as I got her out of her carseat she was fine...she did have a very dirty diaper though!  ha!  We were driving down Steele (the road by Target) and a lady hit us while we were going through an intersection.  She thought it was a 4 way stop, but it was not!  She was super sweet at the time, but now she has me a little worried because she won't return the adjuster's phone calls!  The police report states that she is at fault because of failure to yield, but you never know what people will try to say.  I have been in numerous accidents that were not my fault and it is amazing the lies people will tell.  It seriously makes me sick.  So anyways, I am just praying that she doesn't try any funny business and we can get my car fixed soon...or at least get me a rental!  Being car less is NO fun!
The door is very difficult to open and close right now!  My car is not drivable because of a chuck of rubber missing from the tire and the wheel is warped.  I guess the chance of a blow-out is extremely high because of that.  The car alignment is messed up too.  The steering wheel is at about a 45 degree angel when you are going straight!  Weird!
Tomorrow is Saturday!  I am really hoping for a nap!  :)

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