Friday, July 29, 2011

1 Month...

I can't believe that Reese turned one month on Wednesday.  Where has the past month gone?  It seems like we were just leaving the hospital, but at the same time it seems like Reese has always been apart of our family!   

Reese - you are so sweet and precious.  I can't kiss your sweet cheeks enough!  You eat every 2-3 hours during the day and every 3-4 at night.  I'm not real sure how much you eat at a time but you weighed 8lbs 5 oz at 3 weeks so I know you are getting enough!  You are still very content most of the time.  Your eyes are blue...dark blue on the outside and lighter blue in the middle, kinda like marbles.  We keep wondering what color they will end up.  You are such a beautiful baby and we love you so much!

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