Thursday, July 14, 2011

Pictures, Pool Time, and Picnics...Doctor appointments too but that doesn't start with a P! :)

The Friday we were home we had a doctor appointment for Reese.  They wanted to check her jaundice levels again to make sure they were going down.  We spent the morning hanging out with my parents and then they watched Ryne while we went to the appointment.  Ryne helped me get Reese ready and picked out a sweet pink dress for her. 

She wanted to snuggle with her sister for a few minutes before we had to go...

I'm obsessed with little feet right now!  lol!

We continued our impromptu photo shoot outside!  :)

Are those not the cutest little lips?!

This baby girl has lots of sweet dreams!  She smiles all the time and I swear we have even heard a little laugh!

Reese did great at her doctor appointment.  She was still down from her birth weight, but they weren't concerned with it because she was eating, peeing, and pooping great.  They ended up not even checking for jaundice because they said they could tell it was getting better.  So we made a follow-up appointment for the week. 

First doctor's appointment!
We had to run a few errand after her appointment that included a doctor's appointment for me (which took FOREVER), a trip to Target, and a Wal-Mart run.  We ended up not going into Wal-Mart because it was packed and I was in some pain.  Who needs food anyways!  lol!
First trip to Target!
Once we got home my parents being as wonderful as they are went to Wal-Mart and bought stuff for dinner.  Thanks guys!  The rest of the day/evening was spent playing in the pool and having a picnic.  Ryne really wanted me to herself for a little while so we ate at her picnic table.  She said that was the best dinner ever!  lol! 

Best dinner ever!  :)
Life as a family of 4 is great so far!

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