Thursday, July 14, 2011

Family and Fireworks...

My parents left Saturday morning to spend the day/night in Tulsa with Grandma Martin.  We enjoyed a very lazy afternoon.  Both girls actually fell asleep on me...we had some sleepy kiddos!  That afternoon my cousin Sarah, Brant, Hallli, Aunt Kitty and Uncle Wayne stopped by for a visit.  It was great to see them!

That night we had planned to meet Luke, Katie, and Belle to watch fireworks.  We met up a little early so the girls could have some play time at the park.  Luke also pulled both girls around on his bike.  That was Ryne's favorite part!  We got to the spot to watch and had some time to kill.  The Russells came prepared with sparklers and popsicles and were nice enough to share!  Reese slept through most of the fun!  :)

I'm not sure why but both girls loved looking through Ryne's playhouse telescope!
Ryne was worn out when we left but it was worth it because we had a great time!

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