Monday, July 25, 2011

What we've been up to...

We had our neighbors over for dinner one night and Ryne could barely contain herself!  She was so excited to play with her friend Olivia...she actually waited by the door watching for them to walk up!  lol!  Olivia is about to be 3 and she loves to talk just like Ryne!  The girls played long and hard and the grown-ups got to visit.  They also have another little girl who is 3 perfect is that?!

Ryne waiting not so patiently!

Reese snoozed away but I'm sure was still very excited!

Daddy had some work to finish up, so Ryne helped out with a little massage!

Daddy went back to work last week and we survived the week!  We did miss him so much while he was gone though.  He was getting ready for work on Wednesday and Ryne said "You have to go to work again?  But you went yesterday!"  lol!  I think she liked having her Daddy home!
Love these three!
Ryne is such a help!  She happily gets diapers and helps give baths.  She is quick to start singing if Reese is upset.  She will hunt down a paci or retrieve a burp rag.  She is just an all around great big sister!  She loves her little sister and showers her with hugs and kisses.  I'm so very blessed to have these two.
Reese is in good hands!

She hasn't had a real bath yet, but loves sitting in the sling above the warm water.

Love this silly silly girl!

and I love this sweet sweet baby!

Goodness she is growing too fast!
The Sanders came up for a visit this past weekend.  We had such a great time with them...I'll post on that soon!

1 comment:

  1. How do you put those borders on the pics with the captions? :)
