Monday, July 25, 2011

Just Ryne...

I don't know about the rest of you mommies of 2+ kids, but it is difficult for me.  I try to balance my time but always feel like somebody is getting short changed.  More often than not I feel like Ryne is getting the short end of the stick.  I know that is probably normal with a newborn in the house but it makes me feel terrible.  Ryne has been a trooper and is such a huge help and a really great big sister.  The other day she was looking really sad and I asked her what was wrong.  She said that she thought that I loved Reese now and didn't love her anymore.  That absolutely broke my heart!  We had a big talk about how much mommy loves her and will always love her.  I tried to explain that even though I have to spend a lot of time taking care of Reese, that didn't mean that I loved Ryne any less.  I have been trying to make sure that Ryne and I have plenty of time with just the two of us.  Some days are easier than others though.  Like today I could not put Reese down without her crying after 5 minutes...even if she had been asleep!  I think she was over tired so hopefully we will have a good night tonight and tomorrow will be better.  Anyways, any advice is appreciated! 

Ryne and I have been having fun too though.  I have been walking around our neighborhood and letting her ride her tricycle.  Not great exercise for me because we are moving pretty slow, but she loves it!  One day she brought her bucket and filled it up with rocks for her "collection"!  :)
 Ryne entertained herself while I was taking a shower by playing dress-up in my closet!  She tried on like 10 outfits! ha!  Funny story - while playing dress-up, she decided to hide my glasses unbeknownst to me.  I was getting ready for bed that night at like 11 and couldn't find them anywhere.  I told J that I was pretty sure Ryne had taken them.  We looked for awhile then decided to ask Ryne because middle of the night feedings would be more difficult not being able to see!  She was out of it and mumbled something about for us to keep looking and to try the bed!  ha!  Anyways, we looked until after midnight with no luck.  The next morning I asked her again and she laughed and went right to them.  She said she tricked us...boy did she!  She is too much sometime!  lol!

 We've had a playdate with the next door neighbors...Ryne thought their sandbox was cool!
 The girls also had fun in their pool!
 Of course we had to do some indoor things because it's hot!! 
 We put Reese's diaper box to good use...
 She rode on one of our walks and crashed!  So I just rolled her in the house!  It was funny because once we were in the house she handed me her sunglasses and then just fell back asleep in the stroller!  lol!
 We've done some shopping and playing at the mall...

 Gotta include one of Reese!  Little sis just hung out like a sweet little angel!


  1. Two words, Told ya. :) My vest suggestion is to wear Reese in the Moby Wrap. It's comfortable enough to wear for long periods of time and if you are inside then it won't be too hot. Good luck!

  2. I agree- you know I wore Coop for months! I tried to spend time with Tucker when Coop slept. A lot of times I would put C down and take the monitor and go outside with Tucker in the day. When Josh was able to stay home with C, I took Tucker for special treats. It's strange, but Tucker loved/loves to watch home videos of himself in the same stages Cooper is in- like video of him learning to crawl and walk. I go on about him and how he was a sweet baby like Cooper. We look at baby pictures of him a lot too:)

    There is no denying that it is difficult and we all feel guilty at times. I was so incredibly tired those first 9 months when C wasn't sleeping so the days were a blur and I worried that I wasn't giving Tucker what he needed. It is such an adjustment for everyone but I know Ryne feels your love even though you are spending so much time caring for Reese. Hang in there- it does get a little easier;)
