Thursday, July 14, 2011

Just the 4 of us...

Jeremy has had the past few weeks off and we have been really enjoying having him home with us.  Of course he has still had some work to do every day, but even if he is in the office for a few hours it's still nice just knowing he is here.  I'm not sure what we will do next week when it's just us girls all day!

snuggling with his girls!

I could look at this sweet face all day!

We have a picture just like this when Ryne was a baby...Little Longhorns fan!!

I love her concerned look!  lol!

Both girls have fallen asleep on me several times.  I love having both my babies on me even if it makes it a little hard to breathe!  :)

Ryne likes to help me stay entertained while I'm nursing.  One day she put on a puppet show for me!

Seriously cute!
Last Friday we had Reese's follow-up appointment.  She was 1 oz (weighed in at 6lbs 15 oz) from her birth weight so they were happy.  Weight was in the 25%, length was in the 25%, and head circumference was in the 25%.  They said she was beautiful!  We coudn't agree more!  After leaving we had to run a few errands and ended with taking Ryne to get her hair cut.  She had given herself a hair cute at the end of May.  I'm not sure if I blogged about that.  If so, feel free to skip this part!  One day she was sitting in the office with me.  I was working at the desk, she was coloring on the floor.  She had a pair of kid scissors that she has used many of times.  She said look Mommy.  I looked and she was holding up a chunk of hair.  I said "where did you get that from" praying that somehow she had slipped out without me noticing and cut a baby doll's hair!  No such luck.  She just pointed to her hair and I started bawling!  Thank you pregnancy hormones!  She was really worried then and just kept saying over and over that it was okay because it didn't hurt.  Well, it hurt Mommy's heart!  Anyways, I put her in the tub to see how bad the damage was.  Luckily she didn't cut the hair so short on top that it didn't blend in with the rest of her hair.  It could have been alot worse!
Ready to start!

Cute!  She took alot off the back because we are trying to even everything up.   If you remember it took Ryne a long time to get any hair on top!  :)

Little sister just hung out!
Ryne and Daddy had fun this past weekend, but I'll blog more on that later!

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