Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Day 3 - Going Home!

We got to go home on Wednesday and I think Ryne was the most excited!  They said she practically drug them out of the house and was not happy when they stopped for breakfast!  ha!  It took awhile for us to get discharged, but we were on our way early afternoon. 

my girls!

doesn't Ryne look so happy?!

I can't tell you how much I love this baby!

Gotta meet the pups!

Ryne wanted to hold her as soon as we got in.  Reese wanted to eat!  lol!

Watching a movie with daddy!

the paci takes up half her face!  lol!
We had a low key evening at home.  I actually spent a good bit of it nursing and sleeping.  Nursing on top of already being sleep deprived equals an almost comatose state!  lol!  My mom went to stay with Kitty but Jan and Ken stayed one more night.  We had a pretty good night.  Reese slept really good and we had to wake her up to eat.  We woke her up every 3 hours because of her still being jaundice.  She would eat and just go right back to sleep.  She is such a good and content baby.  She already has the sweetest, most laid back personality.  We all love her so much!

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