Thursday, July 14, 2011

4th of July weekend...

Sunday afternoon was spent visiting with my parents, Jonathan, Brad, Beth, Ava, Cameron, Jan, Ken, and Rose.  Ryne and Ava played hard outside and in Ryne's room.  Ryne really loved seeing her cousin again!  Everyone got to snuggle with Reese for a bit.  Everyone except Jonathan anyways!  I don't think he is big on holding babies!

So ghetto...we need to buy some patio furniture! 

We really enjoyed spending the day with everyone.  We picked up Charlie's Chicken because I was not up for cooking anything.  It was really good!  It made the day that much more enjoyable to not have to worry about cooking anything.  Around 7pm, my family all left to head home. 

On Monday Ryne wanted to wear her 4th of July dress again.  I didn't mind because I had totally forgotten to take pictures of Ryne and Reese together.  So we washed them and they got two wears out of them!  :)

This girl is so silly!  She is full of crazy poses right now!

Beautiful and Crazy Girl!

Daddy and Reese...

Sweet kisses!

She is so tiny!

Monday night we (us, Pops, GranJan, and Rose) grabbed dinner at Arby's and headed to watch more fireworks.  Since it was 4th of July, Arvest went all out and it was a great show.  We met up with the Russells again but I don't have any pictures.  I hung out in the car to nurse Reese before walking to where we were watching the fireworks and realized after I walked there that I forgot the camera.  The girls had fun though!  Belle had brought Ryne a glow stick on a string and Ryne brought Belle a flag.  They loved twirling the glow sticks and directing traffic! :)

She wanted to eat dinner on my lap!  She said she wanted to be like me when she got big because I had long hair and cool glasses!  lol!  I know one day she will be so embarrassed by her ole Mom so I am loving this while it last!

Ryne LOVES riding beside her sister!  She is a big help and leader of paci control!  :)

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