Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Dentist fun...

Yep, you read that right...I said fun!  Ryne went in for her second dentist appointment.  It was our first time to go since we moved to NWA and we LOVE the new place.  It is so nice and kid friendly, even better than the one we went to in LR.  I just had my phone so ignore the quality of the pictures!  :)

The top of the fish tank.

Ryne loved finding Nemo!  :)

This is where you check-in.  The popcorn box on the side was a theater.  It was super cute inside.

My big girl getting x-rays!

She got to watch Tangled while they cleaned her teeth!

They LOVE their razorbacks!  Ryne wanted to take a picture here so J made her hold up Hook 'em Horns!
They also had several different gaming areas, but no pictures of those.  Ryne did fabulous and they said her teeth looked perfect.  She even gets her name in the paper for being in the no cavity club!  Go Ryne!  Reese did great during the visit too and got lots of attention!  I love my girls!

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