Thursday, July 28, 2011

Wild Wilderness Safari

The Sanders came up last Friday for a visit.  We were all so excited to spend the weekend with them!  We enjoyed catching up Friday night and the girls had a blast at their "sleep over"!  They stayed up late watching Tangled and eating popcorn.  They actually went down without a fight when we told them it was time though, so that was nice!  A big benefit for me...Reese slept 7 hours!  Whoa!  That is the only time it has happened, but I see a light at the end of my sleepless tunnel! 

Saturday we headed to the drive through zoo in Gentry.  Once we got there we took out Ryne and Reese's carseats and all piled into our car to see some animals.  Ryne and Adelyn rode up front with the Daddies and Lea Anna and I controlled the little ones in the back seat!  :)

About to go see some animals!

Hanging out while Daddy rearranged the car.

Excited girls!

The emus were evil looking!!

the girls took turns driving!

This mean old "Razorback" bit Ryne!  She talked about it the whole way home!

Ryne's words - "That mean Razorback bit me.  That's why I don't like Razorbacks, they are mean"!

This is what Reese did the whole time!

Sweaty but happy girl on the way home!

our little dancing queens!


Adelyn's turn!

I wish I had this much energy!

They went home Saturday night.  We hated to see them go but loved the time we had with them!  I'm so glad Reese and Mallory had their first playdate too!  :)

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