Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Day 2...

Day 2 at the hospital was spent just loving on our sweet little cuddle bug!  We didn't get much sleep the night before because Reese is such a noisy sleeper!  She grunted all night.  We kept checking on her and she was always fine and asleep, but I couldn't ever go to sleep because I was so worried about her!  I guess I will get use to all those sweet grunts sometime!

Ryne was in a hurry to get back up to the hospital to see her little sister (Mommy and Daddy too of course!), so everyone showed up mid-morning.  We took turns holding Reese, although I held her the most by far!  I felt a little bad about hogging her so much but many of my friends reminded me of what I went through the past 9+ months so I didn't feel as bad after that!  lol!  Ryne also made sure she had her fair share of time with Reese.  She is so sweet and gentle with her.  Reese has a great big sister!   

Love those cheeks!
I look HORRIBLE...but this is reality.  A very tired Mommy just wanting to love on her new baby!

G-=Gi getting some snuggle time...

Ryne can always find something fun to do!

Love my girls!

My world!

My favorite picture from the hospital!

We are blessed!

little baby feet!

Ryne played photographer and she was BOSSY!  lol!

So so sweet!


Reese felt right at home in her big sister's arms!

Beautiful baby girl!
Around 7:00 the nurses kicked everyone out because my blood pressure was really high.  They said if it didn't go down they wouldn't discharge us the next day...yikes!  So the grandparents left with Ryne and I tried to just relax.  Of course holding Reese was like the best stress relief!  :)  Jeremy went and picked up Lenny's for dinner because the cheeseburger they had for dinner at the hospital just looked gross!  Lenny's was amazing!  The things I miss the most while pregnant are sushi and non-nuked lunch meat.  Yum!

We missed our big girl but enjoyed having some quiet time with our baby girl.  We just feel so blessed with our little family!

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