Friday, July 29, 2011

1 Month...

I can't believe that Reese turned one month on Wednesday.  Where has the past month gone?  It seems like we were just leaving the hospital, but at the same time it seems like Reese has always been apart of our family!   

Reese - you are so sweet and precious.  I can't kiss your sweet cheeks enough!  You eat every 2-3 hours during the day and every 3-4 at night.  I'm not real sure how much you eat at a time but you weighed 8lbs 5 oz at 3 weeks so I know you are getting enough!  You are still very content most of the time.  Your eyes are blue...dark blue on the outside and lighter blue in the middle, kinda like marbles.  We keep wondering what color they will end up.  You are such a beautiful baby and we love you so much!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Wild Wilderness Safari

The Sanders came up last Friday for a visit.  We were all so excited to spend the weekend with them!  We enjoyed catching up Friday night and the girls had a blast at their "sleep over"!  They stayed up late watching Tangled and eating popcorn.  They actually went down without a fight when we told them it was time though, so that was nice!  A big benefit for me...Reese slept 7 hours!  Whoa!  That is the only time it has happened, but I see a light at the end of my sleepless tunnel! 

Saturday we headed to the drive through zoo in Gentry.  Once we got there we took out Ryne and Reese's carseats and all piled into our car to see some animals.  Ryne and Adelyn rode up front with the Daddies and Lea Anna and I controlled the little ones in the back seat!  :)

About to go see some animals!

Hanging out while Daddy rearranged the car.

Excited girls!

The emus were evil looking!!

the girls took turns driving!

This mean old "Razorback" bit Ryne!  She talked about it the whole way home!

Ryne's words - "That mean Razorback bit me.  That's why I don't like Razorbacks, they are mean"!

This is what Reese did the whole time!

Sweaty but happy girl on the way home!

our little dancing queens!


Adelyn's turn!

I wish I had this much energy!

They went home Saturday night.  We hated to see them go but loved the time we had with them!  I'm so glad Reese and Mallory had their first playdate too!  :)

Monday, July 25, 2011

What we've been up to...

We had our neighbors over for dinner one night and Ryne could barely contain herself!  She was so excited to play with her friend Olivia...she actually waited by the door watching for them to walk up!  lol!  Olivia is about to be 3 and she loves to talk just like Ryne!  The girls played long and hard and the grown-ups got to visit.  They also have another little girl who is 3 perfect is that?!

Ryne waiting not so patiently!

Reese snoozed away but I'm sure was still very excited!

Daddy had some work to finish up, so Ryne helped out with a little massage!

Daddy went back to work last week and we survived the week!  We did miss him so much while he was gone though.  He was getting ready for work on Wednesday and Ryne said "You have to go to work again?  But you went yesterday!"  lol!  I think she liked having her Daddy home!
Love these three!
Ryne is such a help!  She happily gets diapers and helps give baths.  She is quick to start singing if Reese is upset.  She will hunt down a paci or retrieve a burp rag.  She is just an all around great big sister!  She loves her little sister and showers her with hugs and kisses.  I'm so very blessed to have these two.
Reese is in good hands!

She hasn't had a real bath yet, but loves sitting in the sling above the warm water.

Love this silly silly girl!

and I love this sweet sweet baby!

Goodness she is growing too fast!
The Sanders came up for a visit this past weekend.  We had such a great time with them...I'll post on that soon!

love this smile...

Reese smiles all the time!  Usually when she's asleep but she has started giving us some sweet smiles when she is awake too.  She even chuckles sometimes in her is the cutest thing ever!  She must have some of the best dreams!

Just Ryne...

I don't know about the rest of you mommies of 2+ kids, but it is difficult for me.  I try to balance my time but always feel like somebody is getting short changed.  More often than not I feel like Ryne is getting the short end of the stick.  I know that is probably normal with a newborn in the house but it makes me feel terrible.  Ryne has been a trooper and is such a huge help and a really great big sister.  The other day she was looking really sad and I asked her what was wrong.  She said that she thought that I loved Reese now and didn't love her anymore.  That absolutely broke my heart!  We had a big talk about how much mommy loves her and will always love her.  I tried to explain that even though I have to spend a lot of time taking care of Reese, that didn't mean that I loved Ryne any less.  I have been trying to make sure that Ryne and I have plenty of time with just the two of us.  Some days are easier than others though.  Like today I could not put Reese down without her crying after 5 minutes...even if she had been asleep!  I think she was over tired so hopefully we will have a good night tonight and tomorrow will be better.  Anyways, any advice is appreciated! 

Ryne and I have been having fun too though.  I have been walking around our neighborhood and letting her ride her tricycle.  Not great exercise for me because we are moving pretty slow, but she loves it!  One day she brought her bucket and filled it up with rocks for her "collection"!  :)
 Ryne entertained herself while I was taking a shower by playing dress-up in my closet!  She tried on like 10 outfits! ha!  Funny story - while playing dress-up, she decided to hide my glasses unbeknownst to me.  I was getting ready for bed that night at like 11 and couldn't find them anywhere.  I told J that I was pretty sure Ryne had taken them.  We looked for awhile then decided to ask Ryne because middle of the night feedings would be more difficult not being able to see!  She was out of it and mumbled something about for us to keep looking and to try the bed!  ha!  Anyways, we looked until after midnight with no luck.  The next morning I asked her again and she laughed and went right to them.  She said she tricked us...boy did she!  She is too much sometime!  lol!

 We've had a playdate with the next door neighbors...Ryne thought their sandbox was cool!
 The girls also had fun in their pool!
 Of course we had to do some indoor things because it's hot!! 
 We put Reese's diaper box to good use...
 She rode on one of our walks and crashed!  So I just rolled her in the house!  It was funny because once we were in the house she handed me her sunglasses and then just fell back asleep in the stroller!  lol!
 We've done some shopping and playing at the mall...

 Gotta include one of Reese!  Little sis just hung out like a sweet little angel!