Friday, April 1, 2016

March fun...

Goodness, time blows by so fast!  March was a fun month...
 One day I picked up my phone and saw this…crazy girl!

 and this is just a reminder…little faces poking in the bathroom door because they need something right then…or just want to talk!  ;)

Reese and I had a little chalk fun!
 We have started leading a small group on Sunday nights.  We meet and watch church online…the girls are big helpers setting up!  ;)
 lots of games...
 It was donuts with Dad!  Reese was pretty excited to take her daddy to school for breakfast!
 And the girls got new rides!

 Frozen yogurt to kick off spring break!

 They are obsessed with this wall!

 We got to send a care package to our little guy…Reese drew him a panda!

 must jump...

 lots of playdates...
 Ryne had a hair appt...
 she loved the curls!
 too precious!
 It is already crazy warm!  We don't mind right now but August may be a different story!

 Ryne and I had a GNO to watch Miracles from Heaven...
 more playtime with this cutie...

oh my word!  time please slow down!

 and we busted open (or more like dumped out) our change jar.  We were saving for DW but the girls thought it was taking way too long so we used it for an iPad!  ;)

That was March in a nutshell!  April will bring another trip and one month closer to bringing home our boy!

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