Monday, April 25, 2016

Hanging with Reese...

I've been trying to soak up life with just Reese at home (while big sis is at school) because I know things are about to change!  Reese is a momma's girl no question about it so I am a little worried about how she is going to adjust.  But for now, we are enjoying some momma and Reese time.  

One day they had a "When I Grow Up" fashion show.  All the kids dressed in their parent's clothes and walked the runway while their teacher said what they wanted to be.  
 Reese had chosen Zoo Keeper.  But as she was walking out she started explaining to the Director that she really wanted to be 3 things...

 So once she got to the front they asked her what she wanted to be.  Guys - my sweet and shy girl talked in the microphone in front of all of those parents and said she wanted to be a Zoo Keeper, Pet Doctor, and Animal Feeder.  :)

After the fashion show they all lined up for a few songs.  Reese was so cute!

 Love this animal loving girl!
 The next day we decided to go to CEC for lunch.  Lunch time during the week was really great.  We enjoyed the buffet and had the place pretty much to ourselves!

 Then the next day Reese got her little heart broken when Ryne went home with a friend after school.  So we jetted off to a movie!  This was the very first time I've taken Reese to a movie by ourselves and we had so much fun!

 We ended our fun little outing with a tea party.  :)
Oh how I love this sweet sweet girl!  I know it will be a big adjustment, but I also know she is going to make one amazing big sister!

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