Monday, April 4, 2016

Let's go to the Zoo!

After church one Sunday we decided it was way to pretty to just go home…so we headed to the Zoo!  It was crowded (I am thinking the Houston Zoo is never not crowded!), but we still had a blast!

Ryne trying to call the flamingos!

 This penguin was made out of trash!  They showed an entire exhibit made out of stuff found in the ocean.  Pretty sad how much liter goes in and ends up hurting or killing the animals.  :(

 Love these two so much!

 Doesn't her smile to say she's up to no good?!  She was trying to hide and scare us!

 Love my peeps!

 By the end Ryne was tired…so she hitched a ride with me!  I'll carry her as long as I'm able!
We enjoyed our little outing and will definitely be back!  Next time as a family of 5 though!  ;)

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