Sunday, April 17, 2016

Disney or bust!

We surprised the girls with a road trip to Disney World!  We were going to just let them think we were tagging along with J on a work trip, but decided to tell them before we left to hopefully make the car ride a bit more bearable!  We drove and drove and drove…

then made a stop for dinner and let them run crazy for awhile...

We finally made it to our hotel about 3 1/2 hours outside of DW.  It took awhile for the girls to calm down and go to sleep!  The next morning we grabbed breakfast and hit the road.  Before we knew it we were checking into our resort - Disney's Caribbean Beach!  We grabbed the necessities, unpacked, then explored the resort a bit.

The out of nowhere…we find PapPaw and GiGi!  I wish I would have gotten a picture because the girls were so surprised!  It was the cutest.  Once we were all together, we jumped on a shuttle and were soon at the happiest place on earth!  ;)

We rode some rides right away...

Big sister rocked giving my arms a break!  ;)

Jungle cruise!

Of course…it's a small world...
Our little Repunzel lover found her tower!
Haunted Mansion selfie take one...
Ah…much better!
Oh how I love this wild child!
Some friendly Buzz competition!
Mine train fun...

Space Mountain is an oldie but goodie!

Dumbo is still a crowd favorite!

Then it was time to meet Anna and Elsa!!

We got out in time to catch some fireworks...

Then we had to put these girls in a little time-out!  ;)

I did not know Jeremy took the picture were you could see me!  haha!  But what is a mom to do when her girl is too short and the mom doesn't really want to be in he picture?

Haunted Mansion again…our girls love this ride!

and then it was time to call it a night.  The girls were troopers because the day was very long, but they hung in and weren't even ready to leave at 11 at night!  ;)
More fun to come!

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