Sunday, March 27, 2016

Easter fun...

We started our fun a little early.  On Wednesday we had an Easter party at Reese's school!
lined up and ready to go!
 She is so sweet and timid!  She would only grab an egg if no one else was around it.

 Sweet girl!
 She still ended up with quite a few!
 thankfully she had time for a selfie with mom!  ;)
 Group picture time!

 Later that week it was time to dye some eggs!  Side note - brown eggs do not color near as pretty!  We still had fun doing them though!

 Then on Saturday we headed up to 7 Acre Wood for some fun!  We were manning a Life Church online booth, but still had time for some kid fun!

 My parents came in and were a HUGE help!  it was crazy busy, so we played one on one defense keeping up with the girls!

Best Pappaw and GiGi!

 Jeremy has the best personality for things like this.  He chatted away with anyone…that amazes me!

 The next day was Easter!

super stocked that she has a fitbit!
 After baskets it was time for the egg hunt...

 then inside to check out their loot and then get ready for church!
 It was our first Sunday to do church online in the morning!  

 and it was super special because Jeremy was able to baptize Ryne after service!  What an incredible day!

LOVE this so much!
After service and my most favorite baptism ever…we headed back to our house for lunch.  GranDi and Chloe met us there with their new puppy!  The girls were in love!  The rest of the day was spent visiting before everyone had to head back home.  It meant so much to us that so many made the trip to see the most important decision Ryne will ever make, be made public with baptism.

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