Thursday, April 21, 2016

Disney day 5...

Day 5 was spent back at Magic Kingdom.  There is just something oh so special about the MK!  We scheduled a breakfast at "Be Our Guest" before the park opened…fantastic decision!  The park was empty so we snagged a couple castle pictures on our way in.  :)

After enjoying the empty park we headed to breakfast...
We ate in the Beast's study (?)  and the girls loved watching the rose and picture change.

After a really yummy breakfast…we hit the Mine Train while the line was super short.  Even though the park had JUST opened the line was already 30 minutes.  That is one hopping ride!

After Mine Train we headed to Splash Mountain.  Reese and I opted for Tom Sawyer's Island while they rode this one.  ;)
This was my first time on Tom Sawyer's Island and it was so neat!

Reese and I loved exploring around.  Once we all caught up it was time to turn the girls into princesses!!!

Reese wanted no part in this last trip, so we were thrilled when we was all about it this time!  Weirdly enough though she wanted her hair done, but no make-up or nails.  
As much of a tom boy as Ryne is…she loves to be pampered!

This guy was too funny!  I love all the characters…Disney puts on a good show wherever you go!

Ryne thought she was too big for the princess dress :(  But she still looked adorable!
After our beautiful girls were all fancied up, we headed over for pictures that came with the package.  
love this beautiful girl!
Oh the cuteness of these sweet sisters!

I mean really?!  Too sweet!

Since Reese was dressed like Repunzel…we of course had to do a meet and greet with her and Cinderella...

Then we headed back to the tower and the photographer added a little magic.  Whoops…wrong side-kick!  lol!

That's the right one!

My parents took this cute one!

After having too much fun with that it was time to dine in the castle...

This was the first time we were able to eat dinner in the castle at an actual dinner time!  Normally it has been around 9pm.  So it was great getting out and still having lots of day left!  We headed straight for some rides...

and a little Dumbo...

We ended the night riding lots of spaceships...
Only one day left!

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