Monday, April 18, 2016

Disney day 2...

Day 2 was spent at Hollywood Studios...

My parents beat us there…so we wandered around until we met up with them.  :)

We soon found them and took turns riding Tower of Terror - one of Ryne's favorites!
There are those crazy grands!

Reese was dying for a balloon!  She was one happy girl!
how cute!
we decided to have a little photo break!

Love these people and so happy we got to do Disney together!
then Reese spotted Daisy!
She wanted us in it at first...
then got brave!
We took turns taking Ryne on the Tower of Terror and she rode it about 20 times!  lol!  She was hooked!

The lines were always crazy for Rockin' Roller Coaster so we were only able to ride it once each…it was fun though!

then we played with a duck...
rode "Woody"

played with some toy soldiers...

Mom and I watched Beauty and the Beast with Reese...
Then we ended the night with fantasmic!  
It was a great day!

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