Friday, April 22, 2016

Disney day 6...

Our last day!  :(  We spent our last day at Hollywood Studios!  The girls were geared up and ready to go!

We took a few pictures before starting our day...

Our first activity was Disney Jr Live...
My parents beat us to the park, so we caught up with them at this show…you can see them photo bombing!  ;)

Next up…lunch!  This was the best lunch buffet!

Gotta love Doc!

Then we headed out to ride the great movie ride, but were side tracked by character sightings!  ;)

This little cutie wanted me to hold her the entire time we were in any lines, but as soon as we would get on a ride she would leave me for GiGi at least 80% of the time!  I felt so used!  lol!  
The cuteness is almost too much!
Next up a little friendly competition...
and this?!  I'm not really sure!  lol!
Then we took turns hanging with the littlest girl while the others rode with the big girl...

crazies acting like they are asleep!

and way too soon it was time to call it a day.  The girls were wanting to play at the resort before bedtime.  So we headed to the front stopping for one last souvenir and a few more pictures...

favorite picture ever!!!
We made it back to the resort and let the girls run around on the beach for awhile.  We ate dinner and then tried to hit a playground but it closed at dusk!  Whoops!  She we headed back to the beach area to let them run around.  We hung out visiting and talking while the girls ran crazy until it started raining…then we quickly said our goodnights and ran back to the room!  In no time, this was my view while packing...
The next morning we were up early to hit the road!  My sweet folks woke up early to see us off before they hit the park for a little while!  I am so so happy that my parents came along!  The extra hands were helpful and they were a fun addition to our crazy group!  ;)  They were troopers too!

The ride home was not without problem.  Poor Reese got really sick about an hour into the trip.  All over  her, her carseat, the car, everywhere.  She ended up wearing one of my t-shirts and sitting on another one and we dealt with it the best we could.  Poor girl!  Thankfully she was okay after that and we made it home with no other issues.  ;)

I am already thinking about our next Disney vacation!  Next time with 3 kids!!!!!

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