Monday, May 2, 2016

April fun...

April was a blast!  We started it with some good old fashion April Fool's humor...
we pretended like we were statues...
Jeremy led an all day training with Life Church...
We played...

we went to school...
had friends over...

played more...

We got pics of our pups enjoying the Ranch (while we were at DW)

went to church...
 made the most out of the rain...
 and made more puddles when they finally started to dry!

 She will kill me for this one day!  lol!

lunched with Friends and requested pics because of all the cuteness...

 picked out flowers...
rode on friends' golf carts...

 had family movie dates...
 played in more rain than ever...

 Enjoyed CEC!

We had a busy but fun April, but guess what?!  May will be even busier and more fun!!!!!

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