Sunday, October 6, 2013

Ziplining in Mahogany Bay...

Our first port day started early.  We were one of the first off the oat because we were going ziplining!
Not real sure what happened to this boat!
As soon as we got off we were met by the guides who walked us over to the ziplines.  From there we were put into our gear and given a quick safety lesson.
 Just a note so you get the full experience.  It was HUMID there.  The gear that was put on us was worn by who knows how many other folks and it did not smell very good.  I felt like taking a bath in hand sanitizer after we were done!

This picture refuses to turn...sorry!
The ziplines ended up being so much fun!  The first few were pretty short and lame, but then they get better, longer, and higher!  Plus, there were like 15 different ones and you went right from one to another.  I didn't make it all the way one time and had to be rescued...but other than that (and the very smelly gear!) it was all good!

 After that we walked around for a bit to see what the island had to offer.  We found a really neat nature trail and got to see lots of cool lizards that were huge!

more "duck face" silliness!
After awhile we decided to jump back on board to shower and get ready for a fun night.  We sat with some really great people this cruise and enjoyed having dinner and exchanging stories from the day.  We had a great dinner and got to know one of the crew (Nyoman...pronounced YoMan which is really quite fun to say!) really well!  He is awesome by the way and you will get to see him later.  :)

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