Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Crazy weekend...

We crammed alot into the Saturday before our cruise.  We started the day super early with a garage sale.  Oh joy!  The neighborhood garage sale just happened to be that Saturday so we threw some stuff in the drive way without much prep!  I really wish I would have actually cleaned out the house because there is alot of junk great stuff that someone might need.  :)  

We had to shut down the garage sale around 10 to head to Ryne's soccer game.  She played awesome!  Love watching her each game.  She surprises us with some of her moves!  

 Reese is Ryne's biggest fan!

 We decided that a trip to the splash pad was just what they needed to cool off with after her game!

 Reese was pretty pumped to not have to hang at the splash pad!  lol!

 I SO did not plan this...but Reese and I completely matched!  lol!  I just needed some pink Toms.  :)

 After wearing them out at the park we headed home for a quick nap before going to a birthday party.

Reese and Bram were so cute playing together!
 Happy Birthday Audey!

 Then it was time to run a few errands before heading home.  The neighbor girl came over to play for awhile and poor baby sister got kicked out of playing with the big girls!  Nothing a bubble bath and popcorn can't fix!  :)
 Jeremy and I had a super late night getting packed and ready to go.  I ended my night getting the girls' daily surprises ready.  I couldn't have them forgetting about us while we were gone!  :)

Next up...our cruise!  Rough start...but amazing trip overall!

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